Yoga for Digestion, IBS, and Venous Health

Circulation, Rebounding and Lymphs
     Rebounding is grasshopper's favouite exercise and is reported to have the best effect on maintaining a healthy circulation system. Take caution with mini trampolines if bad knees are an issue. If you are 'rebounding' from challenged circulatory or venous issues, you may be trying to manage pain, inflammation, and difficulties associated with varicose veins, hemroids, or a stressed colon. The subtle power of the body to regenerate itself is ever present in a mindful yoga practise. A morning routine of rotations and inversions may help, especially directly following a bowel movementBringing blood flow, relaxation and opening space into an area of the body helps to relieve symptoms.
     If you are a baby boomer, chances are your tonsils have been removed, so your immune system via the lymphatic system is somewhat disadvantaged. Developing a practise to maintain  healthy function becomes ever more dire as we age. Grasshopper has seen people jump on every 'bandwagon' available through standard, alternative, and internet medical practises, only to 'crash and rebound' to search for more answers, refusing to accept DEgeneration as an answer. Through it all, a few yoga poses have come out 'the winners'  in pain management and healthy elimination. Here are grasshopper's tried and true morning asanas that are helpful. There are many more to research for digestion including hip openers, so be creative and develop your own routine.
     Wave Pose - practise slowly, let the pelvis drop and relax then lead slowly with the the spine feeling each vertebrae
     Downward Dog - stretch till you feel the organs moving away from the pelvic area, opening and relieving pressure from inflammation
     Standing Half-Forward Bend or Wide-Legged Forward Bend - any time during the day to relieve abdominal cramping, gas and relief from colon spasms
     Rotations - a floor spinal twist is more effective and opens more space in the pelvic region, than a seated twist
              If you have the strength, a proper yoga headstand will give much needed relief from pain.  Grasshopper invites others to comment on poses that have helped them through IBS, venous and pelvic disorders. Here is a link to a site that goes into more detail. It offers support for vegans who suffer with IBS and related conditions.

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